Friday, March 15, 2013

wheeler farm

tyler had his spring break this week.  we had so much fun playing together.  we took a little trip up to wheeler farm to see the animals and to enjoy the first days of warmth.  i hadn't been to wheeler farm since elementary school.  they have horses, cows, sheep, turkeys, bunnies, chickens, ducks, pigs...and a goosey for lucy :)  i love watching tyler take care of lucy.  he is the best daddy and he loves his little girl so much.  it was fun to just get out, be together and do something different.  and since cheesecake factory is a mile or so north, we just had to stop and get a couple pieces for dessert that night...yum!



  1. I LOVE these pictures of you both with Lucy. She is a pretty blessed little girl to have you for her parents. Also glad that life can slow down for a week and you can get out into this new spring sunshine! Love you!

  2. I love these pictures. Lucy is so gorgeous and sparkles when she smiles. I don't know who is prettier...Lucy or you! Tyler's got two beautiful women in his life and you are radiant Lindsey! Tyler looks so handsome with his hair grown out some:) I loved seeing all the farm animals. I'm so happy you're sharing snapshots of your family through blogging. Love you honey.
